

Anxiety takes many forms and there can be many different causes and consequently many different types  of anxiety (click).

The most common form is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) which can be defined as a disorder in which the sufferer feels in a constant state of high anxiety and is often known as ‘chronic worrying’ or a ‘free floating’ anxiety condition.

We all suffer with worry from time to time, but the thing that makes GAD different from ‘normal worry’ is that the worry is prolonged, and the level of worry is out of proportion to the risk. The sufferer often recognises that the source of the anxiety is not even that big a deal but can’t help worrying nevertheless.

GAD is a particularly difficult disorder to live with as it is constantly on the sufferer’s mind. There is no respite as the anxiety is not tied to a specific situation or event. It can cause problems with sleep, ability to maintain a job and impacts on relationships.

Sufferers often describe physical symptoms such as backache, stomach pains and headaches but the list is not exhaustive.

Help is at hand from people who understand just what you are going through. You can eradicate the worry. Get in touch with us in confidence to find out more about how you can tackle this condition.


The DIY Self diagnosis

If you can answer YES to most of the questions it is likely that you are affected by GAD.

During the past 6 months:-

  1. .        Do you feel that you have been nervous/on edge most days over the past 6 months?
  2. .        Did you have problems falling asleep
  3. .        Did you feel tension in your muscles because of feeling on edge?
  4. .        Did you frequently feel tense and irritable?


Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is one of the most common forms of anxiety. Most people do not recognize it and put symptoms down to being “shy” or “not liking large crowds”

However it is a very serious condition with serious implications for the sufferer.

Social or public situations of any kind may induce this disorder that is often expressed as a fear of being the centre of attention, or of others noticing the sufferer’s anxious behaviour.

Social phobia can also be classed as ‘specific social phobia,’ such as when there is social phobia only in specific situations like public speaking. The fear of behaving in an embarrassing or humiliating way can lead to a complete withdrawal from social contact, as well as avoidance of specific social situations such as public toilets, eating out and attending other social functions such as parties etc.

The physical manifestations of this phobia include blushing, shaking and sweating etc.

The sufferer often goes though a mixture of emotions both during the run up to the event that is causing the fear and afterwards, often culminating in feelings of self-shame and confusion.

This can be very damaging for self esteem and confidence generally but help is at hand from people who understand how you feel and who can help you address these feelings.

Don’t suffer in silence, get in contact with us in confidence and see how your quality of life can be improved by combating your phobia.

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